Cái chết ngôi sao 'Ký sinh trùng' làm nổi bật cuộc trấn áp ma túy của Hàn Quốc

nam diễn viên Lee Sun-kyun trải qua thẩm vấn vì nghi ngờ sử dụng ma túy ở quốc gia từ lâu có đường lối cứng rắn chống lại tệ nạn ma túy

The recent accusations against high-profile entertainers (cáo buộc chống lại các nghệ sĩ giải trí nổi tiếng) here have highlighted the continuation of a strict antidrug policy and attitudes in South Korea that have drawn a hard line against anything other than total abstinence from drug use.

Some officials hail that toughness as critical to keeping drug use under control (trong tầm kiểm soát). But the policies have also come under criticism (nhận chỉ trích) from treatment experts who say that the authorities focus too much on punishment rather than rehabilitation.

Since Mr. Lee’s death, the police in Incheon, a city west of Seoul, who had questioned him on suspicion of using marijuana (cần sa) and ketamine, have been criticized for their treatment of Mr. Lee during the investigation, saying it was disproportionate (không cân xứng) to the severity of the allegations against him.

South Korea’s tough stance on drugs is in line with that of some other countries in Asia. A drug conviction can carry the death penalty in China and Singapore. Japan and Taiwan, too, have maintained minimal tolerance for drug use. Governments in Japan and Singapore have publicly spoken out against a strategy called harm reduction that has become more prominent in Western nations, Ms. Lai said.

Drug treatment experts say that the country’s approach is too narrowly focused on punishment. The mandatory education program (chương trình giáo dục bắt buộc) that offenders take is not individualized enough to each person’s needs and does not provide a sustainable plan to overcome addiction, Ms. Yoon said. While the government has called for more rehab clinics for drug users, they remain far fewer than those for alcoholics (người nghiện rượu).

But public policy experts warned that approaching drug use only in a punitive way falls short at curbing drug use, addictions (nghiện ngập) and overdose (quá liều) deaths.

source: nytimes,

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