Vì đâu đàn ông nông thôn Trung Quốc rơi vào độc thân không lối thoát?

bất chấp những nỗ lực của chính phủ, đàn ông độc thân ở nông thôn vẫn phải vật lộn trước tình trạng mất cân bằng giới tính dai dẳng, tục kết hôn tốn kém và quá trình đô thị hóa nhanh chóng, khiến họ gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm kiếm bạn đời.


Underscoring the widespread challenges facing older single men in rural China, a recent survey (khảo sát) covering 119 villages in 26 provinces found that 42.7% of village officials and 46.1% of households report significant obstacles (trở ngại) to securing spouses for this demographic (nhân khẩu học).

The study involved 1,785 rural households and also revealed that this issue is particularly acute in central provinces, including Henan, Hubei, and Anhui, where cultural and economic factors combine to exacerbate ( làm trầm trọng) the marriage crisis.

Authorities have rolled out a series of policies designed to support those who face challenges in securing spouses (tìm được bạn đời) in recent years, including reforming (cải cách) wedding customs and promoting matchmaking (mai mối). But despite these efforts, experts caution that such measures might not be enough to fundamentally solve the underlying issues.

Marriage squeeze

A significant factor complicating (phức tạp hóa) marriage in rural China is the disparity (mất cân bằng) between male and female populations... The wide gender gap means that, generally, men may find it challenging to marry, but those in underdeveloped regions face even greater pressure compared with their counterparts in more developed cities. 

Market dynamics

Not only has competition for marriage become fiercer, but the entrance barriers (rào cản) for rural single men have risen, especially with the rapid urbanization (đô thị hóa) taking place across the country.

For instance, many rural families move to urban areas, where they find that a house has become a prerequisite (yêu cầu tiên quyết) for marriage. “Rural youth not only have to get married but also need to accumulate (tích lũy) enough assets to get married".

Policy response

From the central and provincial governments down to village administrations (chính quyền), China has implemented (thực thi) a slew of policies to ease the challenges in the rural marriage market.

For instance, the central government has advocated (ủng hộ) for the removal of costly wedding customs, including high bride prices, and has promoted reforms aimed at fostering a “healthier marriage culture” and reducing the economic strains on young couples.

...Urbanization holds the key to resolving the dilemma, by bridging the disparities between rural and urban areas, especially regarding public services and lifestyle quality.

source: Sixth Tone,

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