Deeper Appreciation of Mothers’ Sacrifice Sa tử cung sau sinh và tình yêu thương của mẹ

chứng sa tử cung sau sinh thường gặp ở phụ nữ làm dấy lên cuộc tranh luận về cái giá mà người mẹ phải trả khi sinh con, nêu bật sự hy sinh của người mẹ dành cho con cái của họ.


Uterine prolapse (sa tử cung), occurring most often in postmenopausal (sau mãn kinh) women who have given vaginal birth (sinh thường), refers to a condition when the uterus (tử cung) drops into the vaginal canal, partially or completely protruding (thoát ra) outside the vaginal opening. As the vaginal walls are adjacent (gần) to the bladder and rectum (bàng quang và trực tràng), a prolapsed uterus can also protrude into the bladder, urethra (niệu đạo), and rectum. These conditions are collectively called pelvic organ prolapse (sa các tạng vùng chậu) (POP). A 2021 study of over 55,000 women by Peking Union Medical College Hospital found that about 9.6% of Chinese women had symptomatic (triệu chứng) POP.

In recent years, such postnatal injuries (chấn thương sau sinh) have gained attention. Today, women of childbearing age discuss it openly. They share and support each other online, hoping that more women can address these issues in the first few months after childbirth. In contrast, older women who have lived with prolapse for many years are largely absent from (vắng bóng) these discussions. Even if they come across it, prolapse seems irrelevant to them in their later age, and only few are encouraged by the discussion to reevaluate (đánh giá lại) their chronic (mãn tính) condition. The younger generation rarely discusses these topics with their mothers.

The toll of childbirth

While prolapse can stem from aging (lão hóa), congenital abnormalities (dị tật bẩm sinh), acute intra-abdominal pressure (áp lực trong ổ bụng cấp tính) caused by chronic coughing, constipation (táo bón), ascites (cổ chướng), or large tumors (khối u), the main cause is childbirth complications — muscle and ligament (dây chằng) damage during delivery, multiple pregnancies, and engaging in physical labor without sufficient postpartum recovery.

Prolapse is often seen as an unavoidable cost of childbirth. Mothers who suffer prolapses tend to have had multiple or advanced-age pregnancies.

Despite the challenges they faced, these women rarely express regret or resentment (bất mãn). When discussing their hardships with their daughters, they often adopt a proud, boastful (khoe khoang) tone, as if their difficulties were badges of honor. For mothers of this generation, diligence (cần mẫn) and dedication (tận tụy) are prized virtues (đức tính) for which they desire recognition and praise.

source: Sixth Tone,

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