Tác phẩm điêu khắc tí hon

lLyndon J. Barrois Sr., công việc hàng ngày là hoạt hình công nghệ cao, sử dụng giấy gói kẹo cao su để tạo ra chân dung chi tiết về nhân vật lịch sử và vận động viên trên chuyến bay

At his day job, Lyndon J. Barrois Sr. uses high-tech software to create visual effects for movies like “Happy Feet” and “The Matrix: Revolutions.” But in his free time, he prefers working with a decidedly less sophisticated medium (phương tiện ít phức tạp): discarded gum wrappers.

The wrappers are a nostalgic choice for Barrois, who started sculpting as an antsy 10-year-old with a Hot Wheels collection and a pet peeve.

Barrois fidgeted with clay, aluminum foil, phone wires (dây điện thoại), even old chewing gum pulled from the bottom of church pews, twisting each material into tiny drivers for his cars. He soon expanded his repertoire to miniature athletes and finally landed on the perfect material (chất liệu hoàn hảo) in his mom’s Wrigley gum wrappers (giấy gói kẹo cao su).

But in the late 1980s, while studying graphic design at Xavier University in New Orleans, he was struggling with what to make for his senior art show. So he did what he so often did when he was frustrated: He grabbed some wrappers.

Barrois crafted a tableau of the Pittsburgh Steelers playing the Washington Commanders (then called the Redskins) and brought it to school to show his professor, the sculptor John Scott.

After getting his master’s degree in film and video from CalArts in 1995, Barrois’s professional focus shifted to animation. His projects range from “Scooby-Doo” to the 2011 remake of “The Thing,” and he joined the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2019.

But even with his success as an animator, Barrois always returns to his figures. His next project, “Groundbreakers,” will feature 800 portraits of Black people who have shaped American life, mounted on a pair of 58-inch shovels, which Barrois envisions as “standing history books.” Alongside icons like Barack Obama and Rosa Parks, he plans to showcase lesser known figures (kế hoạch giới thiệu nhân vật ít được biết đến), such as the Detroit architect Helen Eugenia Parker.

source: nytimes,

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