"Charnel house" nghĩa là gì?

Unknown Man, Diane Maclean, 1988. Photo courtesy Spitalfields_E1.

'Charnel house' nghĩa là nhà xác, nhà để hài cốt (a building or vault in which corpses or bones are piled); và nghĩa bóng là nơi gắn với những cái chết bạo lực (a place associated with violent death).

Ví dụ
Europe in the immediate postwar period had become a charnel house.

The charnel house of Gallipoli might have been avoided through an allied landing on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, but that would have upset France’s postwar plans for a Syrian colony and was vetoed.

To a certain extent that narrative functions as a device that enables us to see more of the charnel house chaos of Auschwitz-Birkenau (where part of Nemes' family was killed) than we would otherwise encounter, a skeleton key, in effect, to different circles of hell.

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