Liệu bạn có đang tự đánh mất bạn bè?

nhất quyết ko viết nhận xét tốt cho cuốn sách tự xuất bản của bạn trên amazon (vì sách quá dở),
Dear Dan,

I have several friends who have self-published books on Amazon. After reading the books, I am usually aghast at the poor quality of the writing, and sometimes there is even a gross (thô bạo, trắng trợn, hiển nhiên, sờ sờ) twisting (bóp méo, xuyên tạc, cố ý làm sai nghĩa) of the truth in the retelling of a life experience that I have seen firsthand. Even so, I try to say something positive—without getting into too many details—but then my friends ask me to submit an online review, to go along with all the other five-star reviews they somehow managed to get. I care about my friends, but I also don't want to give a false recommendation. How would you handle this conflict?

Life is full of situations where we are asked to trade our integrity (chính trực, liêm chính) for other interests, such as sparing the feelings of a friend. But once we start giving up our integrity, it is a slippery slope: We are likely to do it more and more until at some point we stop feeling bad about it. What does this mean in your case? Writing a positive review of a book you don't like may seem like a one-time sacrifice of honesty for the sake of friendship. But given that your long-term integrity is also on the line, I would not give it up. Gently decline your friend's request for a review—but do keep on investing in your friendship.

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