Đặng Tiểu Bình và cải cách kinh tế Trung Quốc

thường thôi, hiện đang bị Tập dùng chiến dịch xóa sạch

...One of the 256 works on display was a painting that depicted Xi's father Xi Zhongxun delivering a lecture to a group of Chinese leaders, including Deng. This painting generated considerable confusion (lẫn lộn, nhầm lẫn) and conjectures (phỏng đoán, ước đoán) on social media in China as to whether the person in the painting was President Xi. Another interesting development that raised many eyebrows was the replacement of a giant sculpture (bức tượng) of Deng in the museum with a huge TV screen flashing quotes by Xi. 

...it appears that the painting attempts to blend the Party’s official narrative of reform as being in the nature of the party itself with some form of hereditary (có tính kế thừa, cha truyền con nối) link. In the painting, Xi is not portrayed as inheriting power or privileges from his father, but instead as carrying forward his father’s work as part of the national mission of continuous reform and opening up. Such a depiction subtly projects a connection between bold national reforms seemingly started by his father and Xi’s national rejuvenation (làm trẻ lại, trẻ hóa) project. In this context, in the exhibition, Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is presented as a continuation of his father’s reform initiative.

...This has much to do with some of his policy initiatives like the termination of the presidential term limit; re-partification of state and society; more ideological control; and the development of a cult personality around him. These actions signify a reversal of what Deng managed to do after taking over the party leadership... When Xi began dismantling Deng’s policy initiatives, he essentially began questioning the latter’s political wisdom as a core leader and the relevance of the policy reforms he introduced.

Tags: china

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