"A bum steer" nghĩa là gì?

Nghe ai chi bằng lắng nghe trái tim mình. Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

"Bum" = tệ, không có giá trị, "Steer" = lời chỉ dẫn, mách nước, như vậy "A bum steer" = lời khuyên tệ -> ý chỉ lời khuyên, lời hướng dẫn, lời gợi ý sai, gây nhầm lẫn, không chính xác.

Ví dụ
Don't listen to John, what he told you is a complete bum steer. I don't want you to regret afterwards.

Even doctors can give you a bum steer so make sure to do your own research and try to go to see different doctors if possible. 

GPS directs (chỉ dẫn) Michigan driver to arrest (việc bị bắt giữ). A bum steer from her GPS appears to have led to an impaired driving charge (phạt lái xe trong tình trạng suy giảm ý thức) Monday for a Michigan driver.

The only bum steer at Wednesday night’s installment (lắp đặt, dựng lên) of the Rooftop Rodeo was an apparent (rõ ràng) underestimation (đánh giá thấp) of the crowd’s thirst for a local brew (bia, rượu).

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