"Air biscuit" nghĩa là gì?

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"Air biscuit" = bánh quy không khí -> thực chất cụm từ này không liên quan đến một loại bánh trái nào cả, mà là cách nói tệ nhị của việc xì hơi, thả bom.

Ví dụ:
Hingst claims (khẳng định) his boss, Greg Short, would come into his tiny (nhỏ xíu), windowless office several (nhiều) times a day to float an air biscuit.

It's a parody of Oculus' VR headset called the Nosulus Rift, and it utilizes a fart-scented perfume (nước hoa) to make players feel like someone is shooting an air biscuit directly up their nostrils.

Pregnancy (Việc mang thai) can turn you into a gaseous (thuộc thể khí) anomaly (sự không bình thường), so if you're lucky enough to be able to control it, you'll probably try to find an empty room before you drop your air biscuit.

The thing is, even though our cats sometimes stink (hôi) and even drop an air biscuit (heh-heh) right in our faces, we love them tons and could never imagine life without them.

Bảo Ngọc

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