"Give 110%" nghĩa là gì?

Vì một tương lai 6 múi vạn người mê. Photo by  Alora Griffiths

"Give 110%" -> Nỗ lực/cố gắng đến hết maximum khả năng/năng lực có thể để đạt hoặc chinh phục điều mình muốn hay hiệu quả một công việc được giao.

Ví dụ
They give you 110%, and they were right there until the very end. I think we could have won it, I really believe we could have won it.

“All you can do is try to match our work-rate. We feel ourselves that no-one can match our work rate, if someone gives 100%, we give 110%. “Once you always have more work rate, more hooks, more blocks, more possessions, then it’s hard to beat you.”

“I have shared a memo (biên bản) with the mayor (thị trưởng), board of trustees (ban ủy viên quản trị) and town staff that I will be seeking other employment,” Aaron Blair confirmed Monday. “I have not set a timetable for this transition, but until then I will continue to give 110% to ensure that the citizens of Granby get the effort that they deserve from the town manager and staff.”

After that, you need to make a plan and stick to the plan. There’s a lot of sweat, tears, and disappointment. I still consider myself a work in progress, because you are always learning.” He also added that “What you give is what you get.” So be ready to give 110% like Oskar did while he was building his business.

Bin Kuan

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