"High-wire act" nghĩa là gì?

    Photo by Scott Barbour on Gettyimages

"High-wire act" có từ high-wire là màn biểu diễn thăng bằng trên dây -> hàm ý là công việc, kế hoạch, bước đi mang tính rủi ro cao; hành động mạo hiểm.

Ví dụ
It is a high wire act because so many things are at risk.

Trump’s high-wire act on trade risks a rough fall.

It is a high wire act on which the prime minister is staking his future. Trudeau said in an interview with Postmedia earlier this year that the decision to couple the pipeline and the carbon tax was the toughest he has made as a Liberal leader.

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Bài trước: "A balancing act" nghĩa là gì?
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