"Nice going" nghĩa là gì?

Nhảy siêu quá đi. Photo by Austin Neill

"Nice going" -> Để đưa ra lời khen, tán dương khi ai đó đã thực hiện tốt và thành công một việc, tương tự như "Good job", "Good going", "Nice job".

Ví dụ
But, sometimes, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "nice going!" This is a lovely thing to say.

“It was a good effort at Newmarket. It was a good step up and I liked he was so strong the last furlong and so strong through the line. It’s nice going forward.”

"Nice going!" on a 20-minute presentation is nice, but when you point out specific things, it can bring the focus in. Plus, it lets your employees know the best part. Make sure you don't use this as a "feedback sandwich" where you are merely giving praise so you can criticize (chỉ trích) next. Everyone hates the feedback sandwich.

Bin Kuan

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