"Off base" nghĩa là gì?

Sai ở đâu ta? Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash 

"Off base" = ngoài căn cứ. Từ này có nghĩa là sai lầm đáng tiếc, không chuẩn bị/ bất ngờ. "Off base" xuất phát từ môn bóng chày (baseball), "base" (căn cứ) là một trong số bốn điểm mà runner bắt buộc phải chạm vào để có điểm. 

Ví dụ 
With a disjointed storyline (cốt truyện rời rạc) that saw Owens initially barred from the arena (đấu trường) only to predictably return (and later be added to the main event), the psychology (tâm lý) was seemingly off base.

He said he really didn’t want it. And when people started questioning the need for it, Paine respectfully declined (lịch sự từ chối). That’s a good move on his part, even though the critics (nhà phê bình) are a bit off base when comparing Paine’s salary with others across the nation. 

These were duly elected (được bầu hợp pháp) members of Congress that he was referencing (tham khảo), who were elected by the majority of voters (đa số cử tri) in each of their districts. They happen to be qualified citizens and Americans. And so he's wrong. He's off-base, and there's no place in American politics for that kind of discourse (diễn thuyết). 

Thu Phương 

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