"A big gun" nghĩa là gì?

Tao có súng nè, ghê hôn??? Photo by: Dorian Hurst on Unsplash

"A big gun" = khẩu súng to -> ý chỉ một người quan trọng, thành công hoặc có tầm ảnh hưởng lớn. Có thể hiểu theo một nghĩa khác là công cụ lớn nhất hoặc mạnh nhất để hoàn thành công việc được đưa ra.

Ví dụ
With his cousin Eoin Sawyer on the bag for the week resilience (khả năng mau phục hồi) seemed to be Desmond’s theme for the tournament, whether it was a big gun opponent or a few bad holes, Desmond took it one hole at a time and battled when he needed to.

Season 2 left us with Clay holding a big gun in the parking lot (bãi đỗ xe) outside the school, having successfully talked Tyler out of shooting up the school dance, watching Tony peel away with Tyler in his red 1968 Mustang. Police sirens scream in the distance, perhaps because someone defied Clay’s directive to call no cops.

Notre Dame women’s basketball? That would be good but clearly the first time out they wanted to fire a big gun and UNC men’s basketball, along with Virginia men’s hoops and Clemson football, outdraw Notre Dame women’s basketball.

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