"A man of straw" nghĩa là gì?

Sao cười tươi thế anh? Photo by  Romnw

"A man of straw" = Chàng rơm -> Chỉ một người yếu ớt, hèn nhát và thiếu ý chí.

Ví dụ
It seems in recent years that plastic straws have become a sort of straw man for the entire plastics industry. Plastics aren’t all bad (bendable (dễ uốn) plastic straws, for example, serve an important purpose for people with physical limitations) but single-use disposable plastics do find their way into landfills (bãi rác).

Carcassonne had been resisting Charlemagne’s troops for five years already and the defenders were on the brink (bờ vực) of surrender. But Dame Carcas came up with a ruse which she hoped would fool Charlemagne. To make the defenders seem more numerous than they actually were, Dame Carcas had straw men dressed in armor and placed on the ramparts (sự phòng thủ). She also fired crossbows at the besiegers (người bao vây) to convince them that these were real soldiers.

I’ve voted for every Republican since Barry Goldwater, but I didn’t vote for Trump, nor will I vote for him in 2020. He’s crude, narcissistic (ảo tưởng sức mạnh), thin-skinned, stubborn, and a lot of other things. I’m sure there are even some psychological profiles that would indicate that he is need of serious therapy. However, he is not responsible for the recent shootings. He didn’t invent hate; it was here long before he was, and will be here long after he’s gone. And he certainly didn’t invent guns, nor did he put them in the hands of the shooters. I have no idea how to solve this problem, but setting up a straw man and blaming him is not going to help.

Bin Kuan

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