"A Pyrrhic victory" nghĩa là gì?

Chiến tranh đã qua, nhưng hậu quả để lại thì nhiều quá :( Photo by: Daniel Ioanu on Unsplash

"A Pyrrhic Victory" -> nghĩa là chiến thắng không đáng đạt được vì thiệt hại gây ra cho người chiến thắng là quá mức.

Ví dụ
Some investors (nhà đầu tư), realizing that a fund’s share prices are bloated (phồng lên) relative to its holdings (cổ phần), might consider shorting it in anticipation (hoạt động) of a decline (giảm sút) or total evaporation (bốc hơi) of the premium. But those adopting that strategy should be prepared for a Pyrrhic victory, cautioned Brett Owens, chief investment strategist at the CEF Insider.

Of course, this is a Pyrrhic victory, since the reason the president wants the Fed to cut rates is that he hopes it will boost short-run economic performance by doing so. Instead, all he gets is a Fed that does its best to offset (đền bù) what he does to dampen (làm nản chí) economic performance.

I campaigned for Scotland to stay in the UK in the independence referendum (trưng cầu dân ý) in 2014 and even though we won, it was a pyrrhic victory. It stirred (khuấy lên) the loins of nationalism north and south of the border (biên giới) and fuelled a simplistic yet powerful emotionally driven argument that separation would magically solve all our problems.

Ngọc Lân

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