"Bald-faced lie" nghĩa là gì?

Đeo mặt nạ lại là auto nguy hiểm. Photo by Pagie Page

"Bald-faced lie" -> Lời nói dối trơ tráo, mặt dày mày dặn, không kiểm soát.

Ví dụ
“If they’re going to sit back and tell lies, then that’s what they need to do,” Justice said. “They just need to keep telling lies, because that’s all it is — a bald-faced lie.”

Nowadays, there are many websites for buying and selling both new and used cars, but Craigslist is undeniably the most popular. However, as dubious as some used car lots may be, some Craigslist sellers are undeniably (không phủ nhận, bác bỏ) worse. Keep scrolling for 15 Craigslist car ads with owners willing to bald-faced lie.

When Blac Chyna claims that her mum is lying, Tokyo Toni states "Anything you say is a bald faced lie" before demanding that her daughter backs up her claims by getting someone else to verify (xác nhận) what she's saying.

Today, everyone is entitled to (được quyền) his own facts, or their own facts, since even grammar has changed. The message from the Trump White House, and from Boris Johnson’s rise to prime minister in Britain, is that facts don’t matter. The bald-faced lie is perfectly acceptable, so long as it keeps you at the center of what passes today for attention. The important thing is to feed the machine. Shock is the best fodder (cỏ khô). Social media dies without outrage (sự xúc phạm, lăng nhục).

Bin Kuan

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