"Glass-eyed" nghĩa là gì?

Đích thực là thánh soi. Photo by Marten Newhall

"Glass-eyed" = Mắt thủy tinh -> Mắt đờ đẫn, say sưa và không sức sống.

Ví dụ
Should she open the glass case that houses the garishly (lòe loẹt) smiling glass-eyed conduit (đường dẫn) to the demon realm (vùng, vương quốc) also known as the doll Annabelle?

Many nervous fans rewatched that match, looking for cues, with several amateur neurologists (nhà thần kinh học nghiệp dư) retiring Bryan on Reddit citing Kofi Kingston's full-on head stamps and Bryan's glass-eyed selling of them. Well, it turns out that Bryan is simply the greatest pro wrestler alive, and he will per Dave Meltzer's report return to action "perhaps as soon as next week".

After it was done, I sort of stumbled out onto the dance floor in a glass-eyed daze, just in time to watch three of the best men taking turns to jump over a fire pit, which seemed like way more fun than trying to feed them had been. But, at the end of the day, I didn’t kill anyone with the food. Everyone had something to eat and seemed to enjoy it. So, I feel I can claim some kind of modest success.

Bin Kuan

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