"The evil eye" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Peter Forster on Unsplash

"The evil eye" = cặp mắt xấu xa/đen tối -> cái nhìn chằm chằm mà người mê tín tin là gây hại cho họ; 'cái nhìn hãm tài', 'cái nhìn độc địa', 'ác nhãn'.

Ví dụ:
Some people believe that the evil eye or buri nazar is a curse cast on them by a malevolent glare. It is further believed that it causes misfortune or injury to the person on whom it is cast. For example: if a person compliments your clear skin and you break out the next day, then they had ill intentions when they complimented you AKA buri nazar.

The brand explores (khám phá) the play on light when crystal, metal tones and symbols are combined. Swallows, spades, evil eyes and hand gestures (cử chỉ) are incorporated (hợp nhất) into the versatile silhouettes, embellished with Swarovski crystals and hidden meaningful details reveal themselves upon closer inspection.

Judaica collector William Gross, who collaborated (hợp tác) with the museum on the exhibit, noted that Jewish amuletic jewelry has forms and styles “often closely related to similar objects in the surrounding Muslim culture.” For example, he said, the hamsa, an element against (yếu tố chống lại) the evil eye, originated in jewelry in the 12th century among both Muslims and Jews, and continued to be used by both groups.

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