"Your heart's content" nghĩa là gì?

Kim Namjoon aka RM - trưởng nhóm BTS. Photo courtesy Snob Mushroom 

"One's heart's content" hoặc "one's content" = chứa đựng cả trái tim -> (làm việc) với một tinh thần quyết liệt, dồn hết tâm trí. 

Ví dụ 
Yes, you can sing along to your hearts content as Shane, Mark, Nicky and Kian perform all the Westlife classics (kinh điển) on stage. 

In his 92nd year, Sheehan sticks by his computer every day, writing prose and poetry (thơ văn) to his heart's content and often to that of his readers. 

The loyal and passionate (trung thành và đam mê) BTS fans even coined (đặt ra) the term ‘Namjooning’ to represent the way that RM is living his best life. The definition is: “To do what you want to do to your heart’s content as Kim Namjoon” and “To experience the life you really wanted to have and live with it to the fullest.” 

Thu Phương

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