"Body of water" nghĩa là gì?

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'Body of wate' = các vùng trên trái đất được bao phủ bởi nước có thể là đại dương, biển, sông, hồ...

Ví dụ
Four billion particles of microplastics (mảnh nhựa nhỏ) discovered in major body of water. While collecting water samples and plankton, researchers discovered a high concentration of microplastics, which are known to disrupt the marine food chain.

"Due to the high temperatures, the solubility (tính tan được) of oxygen is limited in the body of water that is left," Bobori said. "We have sent samples of dead fish and water for toxicological testing, as high temperatures also give rise to toxicity levels."

Water plays a significant role in Jewish tradition. It is “seen as symbolic of the creation (tạo hóa) of the world and of all life. Kings of Israel were crowned near springs, suggesting continuity, like the King of Kings’ unending sovereignty (quyền tối cao). Since the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel each received revelation near a body of water, it was seen as a place to find God’s presence. As the element of purification, water also represents the opportunity to cleanse the body and soul and take a new course in our lives.”

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