"Crackbrained" nghĩa là gì?

Mỗi người một dáng, cưng ghê ha Photo by Pixabay

'Crackbrained' dùng để chỉ những người hoặc tình huống dở người, lập dị, điên khùng hay ngốc nghếch.

Ví dụ
It is of paramount importance that all students understand that the Morris Family Multicultural Students Center is going to be a center for inclusivity, not a means to any crackbrained segregation (chia tách, phân biệt).

“I am reproached (bị chỉ trích, sỉ nhục) as a proud, wicked (lập dị), deceived (lừa dối), deluded, lying Woman; a mad, melancholy, crackbrained, self willed, conceited Fool, and black Sinner, led by whimsies, notions, and knif-knafs of my own head.”

Bolton was part of the powerful neoconservative (chủ nghĩa bảo thủ mới) faction of national security officials in the George W Bush administration that had a plan for supporting regime change in Iran, not much different from the one Bolton is reportedly pushing now. But it was a crackbrained scheme that involved the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) exiled (đày ải, lưu đày) terrorist organisation that never had Bush's support.

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