"Rubber chicken dinner" nghĩa là gì?

Em đang ăn kiêng ạ :3 Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

"Rubber chicken dinner" ý chỉ một bữa ăn tối với quy mô lớn nhằm mục đích gây quỹ chính trị hoặc doanh nghiệp. Bữa tối đó đòi hỏi cần phải chuẩn bị một lượng thức ăn rất lớn để phục vụ đồng loạt cho nên chất lượng thức ăn bị giảm (thịt gà dai như cao su).

Ví dụ
As a young entrepreneur, Nina Vaca was never one to turn down (= refuse: từ chối) a rubber-chicken dinner — as long as it was for a good cause.

Attendees (người tham dự) of business events are demanding more than a drab (buồn tẻ) hotel ballroom (phòng khiêu vũ) and a rubber chicken dinner. People expect business events to be thoughtful and creative in their experience design, and when companies fall short of this expectation, they’ve missed an opportunity in the customer journey.

After sitting down with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Iggy Pop was at the GQ Awards gala to pick up a Lifetime Achievement gong (từ lóng: huy chương). "It's not fun to get gang banged six times [by interviewers] in the afternoon and then go to a rubber chicken dinner at night and get some silly award," he growls (gầm gừ), laughing.

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