"Fire and brimstone" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Yaoqi LAI

"Fire and brimstone" = Hỏa ngục và diêm sinh/lửa và lưu huỳnh -> Mô tả sự đau đớn và việc bị trừng phạt nơi địa ngục hoặc đơn giản chỉ là lối nói để hù dọa ai.

Ví dụ
The group introduced religious themes and the intense frontman's (phát ngôn viên) fire-and-brimstone Baptist delivery to the regional style of modern alt-country.

National MP Harete Hipango made a fire-and-brimstone contribution, saying "this is a bill that seeks to kill people". "I seek to kill this bill because of the repugnancy (mối ác cảm, sự chống lại) of what it seeks to do," she said.

Each character understands that they are dead, and they assume that they are in hell, expecting the usual fire and brimstone. But as time wears on they gradually realize their predicament (điều đã được tiên đoán trước): Their eternal punishment (sự trừng phạt muôn đời) will be to stew over the crimes that they don’t yet acknowledge that they have committed, either to themselves or to each other. As one character remarks, it turns out that they are to be their own torturers (người tra tấn, người làm khổ về thể xác lẫn tinh thần).

Bin Kuan

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