"Fire drill" nghĩa là gì?

Mưa xuống cần gì tới lính cứu hỏa nữa tarrr? Photo by  Robert Vergeson

"Fire drill" = Biện pháp phòng hoả/Diễn tập cứu hoả -> Trong kinh doanh có các sự kiện, hoạt động tình huống vô ích, không sinh lợi và tốn thời gian hoàn thành/tình huống hay hoạt động cấp thiết, bất chợt hoặc mớ công việc phức tạp phải giải quyết.

Ví dụ
Please note that we have no fire drills scheduled for today. So in case of an alarm, I would like to point out the nearest emergency exits, which is behind you and through the door to the left.

That said, a lot of couples will start with something simple, she said, “and realize, 'we should do more.'” It comes down to “figuring out how that person who would be left behind, how do they digest information (thông tin phân loại, sắp đặt có hệ thống, tóm tắt có hệ thống) best? I tell couples sit down together, pretend something happens, it's almost like a fire drill: what would you do?” This drill helps expose holes (vạch trần những lỗ hổng) in a plan.

They went through -- you forgot there were four times that there were threats of tariffs (mối đe dọa của các xí nghiệp tránh thuế quan) going into effect, and then three of those four were postponed (trì hoãn). So Hasbro was going through these fire drills of getting expedited (được tiến hành, xúc tiến) shipping, warehousing (trữ kho) extra stock. And that, you can really understand. And we all know expedited shipping costs extra money, even if you're clicking on your Amazon.

Bin Kuan

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