"Paper thin" nghĩa là gì?

Gầy hay mập không quan trọng bằng khỏe mạnh. Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

"Paper-thin" = mỏng như tờ giấy. Nghĩa khác là ít ỏi, thiếu thốn, yếu ớt.

Ví dụ
She would make this paper-thin pizza — unfortunately we never learned how to make it and we lost the recipe for that one.

According to the release, the material (chất liệu) is paper thin and needs no power source and “can hide a person, a vehicle, a ship, spacecraft and buildings.”

Of all the board shorts we’ve tested and researched, Patagonia’s Stretch Planing Board Shorts are our favorite. They’re paper-thin, unbelievably quick-drying (mau khô), and will accommodate (bao gồm) most sunbathers and water sport enthusiasts alike.

And some of the guys who usually work with the first- and second-teams are presently helping on scout (trinh sát, do thám) team. That's the overview of how the injury-ridden (bị chấn thương) and paper-thin Dallas Cowboys are surviving their pre-Eagles work week.

Thu Phương

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