"White paper" nghĩa là gì?

"Giấy trắng" nhưng nhiều chữ. Photo by Lukas from Pexels

"White paper" = giấy trắng -> báo cáo/thông tin chính thức từ chính phủ hoặc các cơ quan, tập đoàn...

Ví dụ
The white paper details how to overcome the emotional response to a recession (suy thoái) and thrive during tough times by focusing on and strengthening your brand now.

We want the government to publish a white paper to clarity how many farmers have applied for the KALIA benefit (đơn xin trợ cấp), how many of them got the money and who others will get the assistance (hỗ trợ) in future.

Businesses often have a knee-jerk reaction (phản ứng bất ngờ) and devalue (mất giá) their brand, according to the white paper. For example, slashed (cắt giảm) marketing budgets hurt lead generation when it's needed most.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (Bộ Công thương) (MoIT)’s Industry Agency and the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO -Tổ chức Phát triển Công nghiệp Liên Hiệp Quốc) on October 22 released the Vietnam Industry White Paper 2019.

Thu Phương

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