"Conspiracy of silence" nghĩa là gì?

Be bé cái mồm thôi!!! Photo by: Kristina Flour on Unsplash

"Conspiracy of silence" có từ conspiracy là âm mưu -> cụm từ này nghĩa là giao kèo/thỏa thuận, rõ ràng hoặc không nói thành lời (bất thành văn), giữa các thành viên trong một nhóm về việc giữ kín/giữ bí mật thông tin mà nếu, để lộ ra, có thể gây tác hại đến toàn thể nhóm, đến lợi ích, hoặc các bên liên quan (của nhóm).

Ví dụ
If sexual abuse (quấy rối) is covered up in a conspiracy of silence, ‘pleasure experienced by a survivor’ is all but rendered ‘unthinkable.’ So much so, that if a survivor confesses (thú tội) to experiencing pleasure or intimacy during an incident (sự việc) of abuse then common societal notions would question as to how much of a ‘victim’ such a person is.

“The usual conspiracy of silence on such issues which affect Muslims’ rights (quyền) and dignity (giá trị) in Nigeria is now evident; it’s as if nothing had happened. “Tribal jingoists and religious bigots would have called for secession and poured all sorts of curses and invectives on Muslims and their religion.

In a place heavily dependent on visitors entranced by the island’s jagged beauty, those who speak out against coastal (ven biển) development, building without permits (giấy phép), or the local drug trade, as Mr. Susini did, are at risk from forces seemingly omnipresent yet obscure who have terrorized Corsicans into a conspiracy of silence.

Ngọc Lân

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