"Slowpoke" nghĩa là gì?

Cố lên nào con ơi! Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash

"Slowpoke" là từ dùng để chỉ những người cực kỳ chậm chạp, làm gì cũng chậm. Từ này được sử dụng ở Mỹ, đặc biệt khi muốn nhắc đến những đứa trẻ vì chúng thường di chuyển và làm mọi thứ quá chậm. Ở Anh, người ta dùng từ "slowcoach" có ý nghĩa tương đương.

Ví dụ
During the week, Dave O must feel like a caged (bị giam giữ/bị nhốt) zoo animal, doing the same old boring road loops (đường vòng) with a slowpoke like me. That’s OK. He more than makes up for (bù đắp cho) it on the weekends.

One such slowpoke route (tuyến đường) is the M42, along 42nd Street, which cuts across Times Square, where the traffic continues to move along at a tortoise-like pace (tốc độ như rùa bò). For comparison purposes, I took a couple of trips on buses on both streets.

Several years ago, I was pedaling (đạp xe đạp) a cargo (hàng hoá) bike uphill with my three- and five-year-old sons, who were savagely (gay gắt/dã man) heckling (chất vấn) me. “Go faster!” they cried. “Speed it up, slowpoke,” they laughed. Something in me snapped (cáu kỉnh, gắt gỏng). I pulled over to the side of the road, made both boys get off the bike, and established a rule: they could only be radically encouraging and say things like “Go, Mommy, go! You’re so strong!” They had to practice ten times before I allowed them back on the bike.

Hậu Giang

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