"Sour stomach" nghĩa là gì?

Trông rất có thai nhưng lại là đầy bụng. Photo by Thiago Borges from Pexels 

"Sour stomach" = dạ dày chua -> bệnh lý, gồm các triệu chứng như buồn nôn, ợ chua, khó tiêu, đầy hơi. 

Ví dụ
Ranitidine (tên loại thuốc) is available as an over-the-counter (không kê đơn) and is used to treat heartburn (ợ nóng), acid indigestion (khó tiêu) and sour stomach. 

From the time she was twenty-eight years old and returned from traveling for an extended period throughout Mexico, Diane V., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had suffered from sour stomach accompanied by heartburn and acid indigestion. 

I've repeated this mantra (câu thần chú) to my patients thousands of times over the years: “An empty stomach is an acid stomach.” One of the surest ways to trigger (gây ra) a sour stomach bloating attack is to go way too long in between meals. 

The recalls are part of an ongoing recall of ranitidine products, commonly used for treating and preventing ulcers (loét) in the stomach and intestines (ruột). The drugs are also used to treat acid reflux (trào ngược) and heartburn associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach. 

Thu Phương

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