Người bán và người tạo ra sản phẩm: phần lớn lợi nhuận thuộc về ai?

(có lẽ) hơn 90% lợi nhuận thuộc về người bán, nhé

phần khó (# phần quan trọng) là giành được sự chú ý của khách hàng...
If you’ve ever bought a mattress (nệm, đệm) online, or a private label product from Amazon, you’ve experienced the value created by the last step.

That mattress company didn’t make the mattress.

And Amazon doesn’t make light bulbs.

There are countless factories vying to sell generic products to the companies that own the customer relationship. Perhaps 90% (sometimes 100%) of the profit goes to companies that make the sale, not the ones who actually made the product.

That’s because while they make the thing, they don’t do the work. The hard part is earning attention and trust (giành được sự chú ý và niềm tin). The hard part is helping someone make the choice. (There’s a difference between the hard part and the important part. Without the factory, there’s nothing to sell. Making it is important. But increasingly, it’s not the hard part.)

The Broadway producer makes a profit, the chorus (những người hát, dàn hợp xướng) member ekes out (kiếm sống một cách khó khăn, có thu nhập ít ỏi) a living. Fair pay is related to the scarce work of engaging with the customer.

Either you’re doing the hard part or you’re left out of the transaction.

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