"Bad money drives out good" nghĩa là gì?

Tiền của bé từng này thôi. Photo by Guillaume M.

"Bad money drives out good" = đồng tiền xấu đuổi đồng tiền tốt -> nghĩa là đồng tiền giả/xấu làm cho đồng tiền thật biến mất khỏi lưu thông; mọi người sẽ tích trữ tiền thật nếu đồng tiền giả hoặc lạm phát xuất hiện trong lưu thông.

Ví dụ
Gresham’s Law states that bad money drives out good money, but anyone who has spent time around Washington, D.C., knows that this law can safely be applied to information too — bad information tends to drive out good information. Such is the case with America’s assessments of other countries’ military and economic power.

This is the free speech version of Gresham’s Law: “bad money drives out good” (people spend counterfeit money (tiền giả) as quickly as they can so they can get rid of it, so that eventually all the money in circulation is counterfeit). The more complicated speech-policing rules we create to prevent bad speech, the more good speech we’ll catch by accident, and the more really determined bad speech we’ll let through.

In his letter, Klarman cited Gresham’s law: the idea that - all other things being equal - “bad money drives out good.” That is, when there are two forms of money in circulation (sự lưu thông) with the same nominal (có tên, danh nghĩa) value (for instance, paper dollars and gold dollars, as was the case in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries), the lower-value currency (tiền tệ) will gradually displace the higher-value one.

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