"Drive over the edge" nghĩa là gì?

Hay là mình đi qua biên giới ngao du nhỉ! Photo by  Etienne Desclides

"Drive (one) over the edge" = lái vượt biên/quá giới hạn -> nghĩa là bắt buộc ai phải cam kết làm công việc họ đang xem xét hoặc sắp làm; khiến ai phải chịu sự thách thức về mặt tâm lý; quá áp lực và căng thẳng.

Ví dụ
She hopes a judge can see he suffers from a social disorder (mất trật tự an ninh xã hội) and gets Geoff the help he needs. "Unless he's put in some kind of program, if he's sentenced to a crowded jail (nhà tù chật kín tù nhân), it's probably really going to drive him over the edge," Kathy Graff said.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say Thomas is just getting started. So, perhaps he gaslights and haunts Hope to drive her over the edge. It wouldn’t take much to push her over. Even though Hope got her baby back, her mental state (trạng thái tâm lý) doesn’t seem quite stable (khá không ổn định). So, despite some fans being fooled by the “death” – he’s not dead at all. And Thomas Forrester’s back soon.

The mere fact of having to report to the office at a certain hour each day and leave when your manager says so could be enough to drive you over the edge -- especially if you're juggling a career along with family-related responsibilities. If you feel like you're struggling to balance all of the many things you need to do work- and home-wise, ask for more flexibility (tính linh hoạt) on the job. That could mean changing your schedule to cut back your commute time, or working from home a few days a week to better tackle (giải quyết) the numerous tasks on you plate. These days, a growing number of companies are recognizing the importance of flexibility, so it pays to go after it.

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