"Rack and ruin" nghĩa là gì?

Được hôm vào bếp lại thành ra thế này. T-T. Photo courtesy: gibbon666666

"Rack and ruin" = phá hủy và tiêu tan -> tiêu tan thành mây khói; trở nên cực kỳ tồi tệ.

Ví dụ
A man who contacted the Telegraph anonymously (ẩn danh) said: “I was walking my dog and was appalled (kinh hoàng) to find the lovely spot at the timber ponds in rack and ruin.”

Yet nothing is better calculated to make Blairites (người ủng hộ nguyên thủ tướng Anh Tony Blair) recoil (rút lui) in choreographed horror (sự hoảng sợ có tổ chức) than the spectre (bóng ma) of a return of the “bad old days” of the 1970s when Britain supposedly was falling to rack and ruin, all the fault of rapacious (tham lam) labour unions.

The perennial (lâu năm) bed, early morning. It’s a thick line between an unstudied cottage (nhà ở nông thôn) garden look and rack and ruin. My garden has crossed over to the rack and ruin side. That tall thing in the middle is a tree of some sort that managed to bolt up (mọc thẳng) to a height of 8 feet while I was looking the other way.

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