"Measure out" nghĩa là gì?

Chỉ lấy một lượng vừa đủ. Photo by Yente Van Eynde from Pexels

"Measure out" = phân phối, phân ra/ cân đo đong đếm một lượng nhỏ cụ thể trong một tổng thể lớn hơn.

Ví dụ
She carefully measured out 4 cups of flour and 2 spoons of sugar. 

Place a skillet (chảo nướng) or griddle (vỉ nướng) over medium heat and coat the inside with vegetable oil. Use a measuring cup or a baster to measure out a batter (bột nhão) portion at 1/4 cup each. 

Wash and hull (tách lá đài) the strawberries. Use a food processor or blender to puree (xay nhuyễn) them until smooth. Measure out 1 cup of the puree for the cake, then set the rest aside for use in the glaze (men). 

“How big is your wingspan (sải tay)?” Lisa Preston asked the audience as she stretched her arms out side-to-side (dang tay hai bên). “Mine is five feet wide,” Lisa said, explaining, “if you know your wingspan it makes it really easy to measure out how much rope you’ll need to make a bridle (dây cương).” 

Thu Phương

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