"A travesty of justice" nghĩa là gì?

Xin hãy thực thi công lý nghiêm chỉnh, đúng người đúng tội. Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

"A travesty of justice" = trò đùa, sự nhạo báng, bôi bác của công lý -> kết quả xét xử như một trò đùa, bất công.

Ví dụ
“Any leniency (khoan hồng) would itself be a travesty of justice,” Judicial Magistrate First Class Inderjeet Singh ruled.

Yes, we have lost power to an unelected government after winning the 2018 general elections (tổng tuyển cử). It is a travesty of justice that the winners become the losers and the losers become the winners.

At the time of the original ruling (phán quyết ban đầu) last year, attorney (người được uỷ quyền) Christine Lepera released a statement to ET on behalf of the writers of "Dark Horse," calling the jury's (ban bồi thẩm) initial verdict (phán quyết ban đầu) "a travesty of justice."

Solicitor (cố vấn pháp luật) General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Delhi Police, had said Pawan’s claim of juvenility (thanh niên) was considered at each and every judicial forum (diễn đàn tư pháp) and it will be a travesty of justice if the convict (kết án) is allowed to raise the claim of juvenility repeatedly and at this point of time.

Thu Phương

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