"Gutless wonder" nghĩa là gì?

Hẳn là giả vờ đau để được ngồi chơi. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

"Gutless wonder" = kẻ nhát gan, nhu nhược, thụ động.

Ví dụ
Warren is a soulless (không có tâm hồn), gutless wonder who has built a career based on lies and mistruths. She has appropriated (chiếm đoạt) the culture of a Native American tribe (bộ lạc) in hopes of advancing herself and then lied about it.

Of course, Ryan didn't do that, not because he is something of a gutless wonder, which he is, and not because he wants to run for president (tranh cử tổng thống) when the smoke clears, which he does, but because he was getting most of what he wanted.

Pound for pound (bảng xếp hạng không phân chia hạng cân) the worst player we've had the misfortune (vận xui) to see in a Blue shirt. Him feigning injury (giả vờ chấn thương) in the derby (cuộc đua ngựa) allowing the Liverpool player to shoot unmarked when he should've been closing him down shows what a complete gutless wonder he is.

Thu Phương

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