"Rough justice" nghĩa là gì?

Bạo lực thực sự không giải quyết được vấn đề gì. Photo by Tbel Abuseridze on Unsplash

"Rough justice" = công lý thô bạo -> trừng phạt/ khen thưởng ai một cách không công bằng, nhất là không hợp pháp.

Ví dụ
Jackie Chen and son Jason were lucky to escape (trốn thoát) with their lives as the gun went off while they were attempting to disarm (tước vũ khí) the man who was trying to rob their store. But footage (cảnh quay) from the incident (vụ việc) that emerged last night shows what Nine News labelled (dán nhãn) “rough justice” dished out by the father-son duo (cặp đôi).

Prosecutor (công tố viên) Jonathan Sharp said the victim (nạn nhân) turned around and Robinson threw an object at him. He said it was unclear what object Robinson had thrown but it may have been a cup. Mr Sharp said Robinson was then met with 'rough justice' as he was attacked by a group of others. The victim was left with a visible scar (vết sẹo) on his eyelid (mí mắt).

The two paths – here legal redress (bồi thường pháp định), there rough justice – intersect (giao thoa) and conflict (xung đột) with one another throughout the series, sometimes within the consciences (lương tâm) of the killers. One of them, Jonah Heidelbaum, grandson of Auschwitz victim Ruth, is torn (giằng xé) between the feeling that he is honouring her memory and the concern that he is desecrating (mạo phạm) it by killing in her name.

Thu Phương

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