"Shit-hooks" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by lalesh aldarwish from Pexels

"Shit-hooks" hoặc "cunt-hooks" = móc c*t -> tiếng lóng (thô lỗ và phản cảm) chỉ ngón tay/bàn tay, nghĩa khác là chỉ một người bạn (ngu ngốc).

Ví dụ
The only thing I learned from my grandfather was, “Keep your shithooks off the table!” (Referring to my toddler (chập chững) hands wandering at supper (bữa ăn).)

Charlie has what a friend of mine refers to as “shit hooks." To really nail this colloquialism (câu nói thông tục) in everyday conversation, it's necessary to employ (áp dụng) it in the following way: “Here comes ol' shit hooks,” or even better, “Shit hooks is what he got."...

Bosch is as attuned (hòa hợp) as Ihaka to the criminal mind (tư duy tội phạm) and allergic (dị ứng) to professional dysfunction (rối loạn chức năng), though it’s hard to imagine him using, even when extremely provoked (kích động), the singularly Ihakan epithet (tên gọi có nghĩa) “cunthooks”.

Thu Phương

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