"Soap down" nghĩa là gì?

Nhấc mông lên và dọn dẹp đi nào. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

"Soap up/down" nghĩa là chà, cọ xà phòng vào ai/cái gì (tắm bằng xà phòng chẳng hạn). 

Ví dụ
Let's hope they soaped down properly after mixing it with the press pack (gói bằng tờ báo).

Even children had their own work area where they scrubbed (lau chùi) tires (lốp xe) and soaped down anything that didn't move.

My iPhone 11 Pro Max is highly water-resistant (khả năng chống nước) and seems quite happy being soaped down a couple of times a day.

With the all-natural product, city workers lathered (xát xà phòng) down the town. They soaped up municipal cars, power-washed sidewalks and buildings, and shampooed every surface they could find. 

Thu Phương

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