"Soap plant" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Tabitha Mort from Pexels

"Soap plant" = cây xà phòng là loại cây có thể làm thành xà phòng thiên nhiên như soapberry, soapwort. "Plant-based Soap" nghĩa là loại xà phòng làm từ thiên nhiên.

Ví dụ
“We’re constantly (thường xuyên) washing our hands, especially with all the sickness going around,” she adds. But because you get 17 ounces with this Live Clean soap — most hand soaps offer around 12 ounces — she is “sure it will last us much longer than our typical (thông thường) plant-based hand soap.”

Poison oak (sồi độc) was sprinkled (phun, tưới) along the route, but the docents (giáo sư) were quick to point it out to their fellow hikers. They also pointed out some of the more pleasant native flora (thảo mộc)– buttercups ( cây mao lương hoa vàng), golden poppies (anh túc vàng) and the Indian soap plant.

What Matt deems (xem là) “plant-based soap,” Laundry Soap Nuts are a new eco-friendly (thân thiện với môi trường) laundry product that contain detergent (chất tẩy) and will break down completely in your washer. They come in muslin (vải mỏng) bags and will make your clothes, sheets, and towels feel (and smell) perfectly fresh and clean.

Thu Phương

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