"State of grace" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Immortal shots from Pexels

"State of grace" = trạng thái khoan hồng/ân xá -> trạng thái của lòng biết ơn vì được tha thứ lỗi lầm, trạng thái tự do.

Ví dụ
"Normally people are obliged (nghĩa vụ) to attend mass (thánh lễ) to remain in the state of grace," Bartylla explained.

It’s a story of a young man's legacy (hiến tặng), a mother's grief (đau khổ) and how strangers reached a state of grace.

“I was just thrilled (cảm động) to reconcile (hòa giải) this with the church,” Clare Urbia said. “You want to be in that state of grace when you receive the Eucharist (Lễ ban thánh thể). I just really wanted to do that.”

Although we human beings — including theologians (nhà thần học), jurists (luật gia) and philosophers (triết gia)— produce a remarkable variety of terminology (thuật ngữ) to negotiate our idea of good and our repulsion (ghê tởm) at the idea of evil, ultimately we keep going back to this central dichotomy (lưỡng phân). This makes perfect sense to people of faith (đức tin) because it is the logic of being in a state of grace versus being in a state of the absence (không có) of grace.

Thu Phương

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