"Check skeef" nghĩa là gì?

Sao boss lại lườm sen thế? Photo by Artūras Kokorevas from Pexels

"Check (someone or something) skeef" nghĩa là nhìn ai đó đầy hoài nghi hoặc cáu kỉnh, khinh bỉ (phổ biến ở Nam Phi). 

Ví dụ
Howzit, my China! Don’t check me skeef. 

This dickhead (tên ngu) was checking me skeef. Fuck you, pricklicker (từ chửi tục)! 

Sharon's mom, she would've seen to that. Should have seen the way she was checking me skeef when I asked her for more beer. 

As a colleague (đồng nghiệp) eloquently (hùng hồn) argued on social media this week, it makes no sense that Rabada was still sitting on demerit (khuyết điểm) points for sins (tội lỗi) no more serious than checking the Sri Lankans 'skeef' at the beginning of last year. 

Thu Phương

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