"Final cut" nghĩa là gì?

Để ra mắt được một bộ phim hoàn chỉnh thực sự không đơn giản. Photo by Kyle Loftus from Pexels

"Final cut" nghĩa là bản chỉnh sửa hoàn thiện cuối cùng của một bộ phim, do nhà sản xuất và đạo diễn quyết định.

Ví dụ
In his reply, the director (đạo diễn) said the final cut of the film is great and there is no need to tinker (sửa) with it.

Six days after Tiger King's Netflix debut (ra mắt), Finlay started his own Facebook page called 'The Truth about John Finlay', which he used to reveal (tiết lộ) to the world that he'd undergone (trải qua) a dental makeover (làm răng) during the filming of the show — but he claims the "after" didn't make it to the final cut.

In the final cut of Endgame, Natasha Romanoff sacrifices (hy sinh) her life to give Hawkeye the chance to get the soul stone (đá linh hồn), an important part of the whole Time Heist plan. But in a deleted scene (cảnh bị cắt) that caught fire on Twitter this week, she isn’t just fighting Hawkeye for the right to sacrifice herself. She’s racing to do it before Thanos kills both of them.

Thu Phương

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