"Gather up" nghĩa là gì?

Thành quả sau một buổi. Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

"Gather (something) up" nghĩa là nhặt (cái gì) lên, thu thập lại, tập trung lại...

Ví dụ
He would gather up the items and bring them to the front counter (quầy thu ngân) and put them in a bag. I would pay him and take the bag home.

So Kendra took it upon herself to gather up boxes and bags of food, donated (được tặng) by her friends and family to take to the center! Nice work, Kendra!

We will continue to survey (khảo sát) and gather up-to-the-minute insights around listener habits (thói quen thính giả), monitoring (theo dõi) how they are changing and how that affects our customers’ (khách hàng) businesses.

Two Saskatchewan youngsters turn Andi & Alex’s Farm Fresh Eggs into a booming business (doanh nghiệp bùng nổ), gathering up to 10 dozen eggs a day. “We want to have more dozens of eggs because we have people waiting for eggs,” said Andi, explaining that the business can’t keep up with demand (nhu cầu).

Thu Phương

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