Corona virus sẽ kích nổ bom bất động sản

vì ước tính 25 đến 50% người vay mua nhà ko trả được nợ thế chấp, hệ thống (ở mỹ) sẽ sụp...

When individuals stop making payments on their home mortgages (khoản vay thế chấp mua nhà), the companies that handle the loans and process those payments, so-called mortgage servicers, are still on the hook (vẫn còn trách nhiệm): They're legally obligated (có trách nhiệm về mặt pháp lý) to keep sending money to insurers and investors in mortgage-backed securities (chứng khoán đảm bảo bằng khoản thế chấp), the giant bundles of home loans that are packaged and sold on the securities markets.

Now industry executives and regulators are worried that Congress's generosity toward homeowners could wipe out (xóa sạch, xóa sổ) those companies, causing investors not to get paid and potentially bankrupting (làm phá sản) the entire mortgage finance system — a domino effect that would make it much harder for borrowers to access credit to buy homes.

Usually, a mortgage company can withstand a few borrowers failing to make payments, but the breadth of the coronavirus pandemic has sparked industry estimates of between 25 and 50 percent of borrowers being unable to pay.

If 25 percent of borrowers fail to make their mortgage payments, the industry would need $40 billion to cover three months of payments, according to Jay Bray, CEO of the servicing company Mr. Cooper. Depending on how long the situation lasts, Broeksmit said demands on servicers “could exceed $75 billion and could climb well above $100 billion.”

Tags: economics

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