"Silver Alert" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Kaboompics .com on Pexels

"Silver Alert" = báo động bạc -> nghĩa là báo động công khai tại Mỹ để giúp xác định vị trí người cao tuổi mất tích, thường là người mất trí nhớ.

Ví dụ
Authorities (chính quyền) in Arizona say a Silver Alert issued Thursday for a 76-year-old woman has been cancelled. According to officials with the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Hedy Osborn was last seen leaving a VA hospital in her car.

A Silver Alert was canceled Wednesday afternoon for a missing Balsam Lake woman. According to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Mary Dotson, 74, went missing (mất tích) around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. She was found safe around 5 p.m.

Silver Alert was issued for a missing 81-year-old man out of Auburn Wednesday night. The Placer County Sheriff’s Office said Gerald Shaltz, 81, suffers from dementia (chứng mất trí nhớ) and Alzheimer’s and does not leave home often, except when he’s with his wife. Shaltz was last seen on Wednesday around 5:30 p.m. in his home. He’s believed to be driving his wife’s maroon (màu hạt dẻ) Lexus SUV, CA license plate number 6NVM299. If you see Shaltz, please call 911.

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