"Straw boss" nghĩa là gì?

Ông chủ mà phải vất vả thế này đây. Photo by Rihan Das from Pexels

"Straw boss" = ông chủ bù nhìn -> ông phó (đối lại với ông chánh, (như) phó đốc công...), ông chủ cấp dưới/ ông chủ chỉ có cái mác.

Ví dụ
Hanley played (đóng vai) Candy Pruitt, the "straw boss" of the women according to "The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable Shows."

After he left the Texas Rangers in 1877, he took a job with Capt. Richard King, working as caporal (hạ sĩ), or straw boss, at the El Sauz ranch (nông trại).

Men often used bocce (trò chơi giống bowling của người Ý) in order to determine (quyết định) who won the titles of boss and straw boss. The boss and his partner controlled (kiểm soát) the social group (nhóm xã hội) and the alcohol— they could refuse a man drink, if they wanted.

“I tell the workers to work hard and speed things up (tăng tốc độ) and they see me coming and call me the straw boss,” Burt said. He explained with a laugh, “Back in the day, the foreman (quản đốc) of a project would walk around with a piece of straw in his mouth, so his crew would call him the straw boss. That’s what they call me now.”

Thu Phương

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