"Thigh-slapper" nghĩa là gì?

Cười không ngừng lại được luôn á. Photo by Rodolfo Quirós from Pexels

"Thigh-slapper" = kẻ vỗ đùi -> trò đùa/ câu chuyện cười khiến người khác cười "vỗ đùi đen đét"

Ví dụ
If that thigh-slapper hasn't got you falling off your chair, it ran under a photo of the Gollum character from the Lord of the Rings films.

So if you're in need of a good thigh-slapper to whack (đánh) on to brighten your day, we recommend these jolly good British comedy series.

Shortly after his little thigh slapper, an aide (phụ tá) came into the room and advised Rosenstein that he had a phone call that required his attention, and Rosenstein took his leave. The meeting continued, but the handwriting was already on the wall.

If you want an uproarious (buồn cười) thigh-slapper of a comedy, move on. However … if you have ever wanted to be a fly on some wall where you could watch the interactions (tương tác) between people and see the changing of their relationships, this quiet play might interest you.

Thu Phương

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