"Bump into" nghĩa là gì?

Một lần gặp gỡ ngỡ như định mệnh. Photo by Wesner Rodrigues from Pexels

"Bump into someone" nghĩa là va phải ai hoặc tình cờ gặp ai.

Ví dụ
No, I didn't bump into God that night. God slammed right into me.

They 'bump' into disastrous (tai hại) relationships with little thought about how they attracted that person in the first place.

Chemical reactions (phản ứng hóa học) occur as the molecules (phân tử) and other particles (hạt) move around in the solution (dung dịch) and bump into each other.

We played cards and talked with the other inmates (tù nhân). We asked one guy why he was in jail and he said he was in the store and bumped into a white girl. I said, “Damn, You're in jail and all you did was bump into a white girl."

Thu Phương

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